Me, Laurie from Studio Penny Lane, Irene & Astrid from AS IS all wearing our hats from Ginger Jo (not pictured, but taking the picture) from The Family Jewels of Texas.

For those of you that have followed my Instagram account since at least October, you know that I participated in the Fall Round Top show this year. I was a little reluctant due to the unpredictability of being exposed to and catching Covid-19. I debated cancelling. I discussed it with my husband seriously, and we talked about the pro’s and possible (Major) con of attending. In the end we came to an agreement that I would go, and decided on a plan for us to stay safe. (Or as safe as possible). I’ll walk you through it…

Pro’s of attendance:

  • I get back to “business as usual”
  • I get to get out of the house, which was more of a mental health pro than a business pro
  • Hopefully I sell some things
  • I get to see all of my Round Top friends

Con’s of attendance:

  • No one comes to shop
  • None of my Round Top friends have booths this time
  • I get sick
  • I get my husband sick – worst possible, but very realistic, scenario


Per the health safety requirements, I would wear a mask the whole time. Since my booth is on an end corner I actually felt a little safer because even in the event that our tent was crowded, I wouldn’t have vendors with shoppers on both sides. Plus I would have more ventilation due to being on the corner and air flow. And I actually wore 2 masks. One N95 and a cute cloth cover, because let’s be real, the N95’s are not very chic looking. But also because the cloth covers I could change everyday and they would help keep the N95 “cleaner” longer.

We also decided that I would sleep in the guest room for the duration of the show, and a few extra nights after just to be on the safer side. After all, marriage is a partnership, right? I also shed all of my clothes and showered every evening immediately upon returning home.

This plan worked. There were lots of people at the show YAY! for business, but also EEK, did I get exposed??? The answer to that last looming concern was yes. Yes there were others that ended up getting sick. Yes I was around them. Yes I was worried even though I had worn my mask and had tried to keep a 6 foot distance between myself and anyone else. Because you just never know. I went and got tested. My results: NEGATIVE. Hallelujah! But also, were those results accurate??? Panic sets in. I waited a few extra days, and nothing. Whew. Ok, We can breathe.

Now that we have gotten that out of the way, I have to say that I had a great time! Because the show was a little less busy this time, I was actually able to shop, which I NEVER get to do when I’m there. (I usually refuse to leave my booth because I am afraid I will miss being able to help someone.) I found the most fabulous fabric for a reupholstery project from a fabulous woman named Shelia. I bought some amazing bowls made of fluorite and onyx from Verona Prive. And I about died when I discovered the new vendor across from me sold vintage Native American turquoise jewelry. Which I collect. I could have gone broke in her booth…

It was fabulous seeing my show buddies. It was fabulous being out of the house. And it was fabulous seeing old and meeting new customers! While the mask was a little irritating at times, it was 10/10 worth wearing so I could enjoy being part of this outdoor event.